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Welcome to the Enneagram & 4th Way

If you are looking for a compass to get to know yourself, Enneagram offers you a compass with excellent and successful results.


ENNEAGRAM really works... Because;

-Even the FBI and CIA use it.

-The popular characters of the TV series, Lost, were designed by the Enneagram.

-Many well-known universities in the US teach this.

What is the Enneagram?

The Personality Enneagram, or simply the Enneagram, is essentially a model of the human psyche, which is understood and taught as a typology of nine personality types. Knowing yourself is a dynamic system and a great method for personal transformation and spiritual growth. Its dynamism derives from the fragmentation and integration of personality types under stress and the revolutionary approach to growth and health levels (levels of consciousness). This is nothing more than a modern approach to levels of consciousness. So Enneagram types reflect our change over time.

What will the Enneagram do for you?

  • You will be open to the deepest truths of your soul.

  • You will discover ways to connect to your true nature

  • You will learn practices for experiencing inner freedom.

  • You will notice the fears and desires that motivate you and others

  • You will begin to eliminate your harmful and self-sabotaging patterns.

  • Build deeper relationships with your family, friends, colleagues and community

  • You will develop the skills necessary to effectively help others help themselves

  • You will find ways to tap into new inspirations and develop your creativity.

  • You will feel a deep sense of belonging and interdependence.

  • You will develop greater self-acceptance, self-love, and compassion for others

  • You will be able to share your unique and unique talents with the world.

  • You will live with less rigidity, more grace, ease, and flow

  • You will begin to live with love in the moment and in the flow (Mindfulness and Heartfulness)

How can I use Enneagram?

Like all other systems, the Enneagram is a holistic methodology with its own unique approach to inner transformation.

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6 things you need to learn to understand the Enneagram...

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1. Your Basic Personality Type
2. Centers
3. Wing/s
4. Levels of Development
5. Aspects of Integration (Growth) and Disintegration (Stress)
6. The Three Basic Instincts

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What are Enneagram Personality Types?

THE REFORMER (Type 1) - Characterized by a strong morality, a sense of responsibility, and the need for order and consistency.


THE HELPER (Type 2) - Characterized by a strong desire to serve others and a need for compassion and approval.


THE ACHIEVER (Type 3) - Characterized by a strong drive for success, achievement, and recognition, often leading to a focus on image and reputation.

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THE INDIVIDUALIST (Type 4) - Characterized by the need for uniqueness and individuality and sensitivity to emotions and feelings.

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THE INVESTIGATOR (Type 5) - Characterized by a strong desire for knowledge, understanding, and a need for privacy and objectivity.

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THE LOYAL (Type 6) - Characterized by a strong sense of responsibility and loyalty and the need for security and support.

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THE ENTHUSIAST (Type 7) - Characterized by a love of life and adventure and a need for variety and excitement.


THE CHALLANGER (Type 8) - Characterized by a strong sense of control and assertiveness and the need for justice and fairness.

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THE PEACEMAKER (Type 9) - Characterized by the need for peace and harmony and a tendency to smugness and avoidance of conflict.


These dominant traits are not absolute or fixed and can vary in intensity depending on the individual and their personal experiences. The Enneagram is intended to be used as a tool for self-awareness and personal growth, not as a definitive or limiting categorization of personality.

What is the 4th Way?

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff taught that for those who seek genuine transformation, there is the traditional path of three centers. In the past, one who wanted to achieve self-realization had to stay away from worldly life and undergo strict discipline for years. These three ways were practiced in monasteries or alone.


The first of these ways, the PATH OF THE FHAKIR, was a way of ascetics who sat in the sun all day or lived alone in a cave or hermitage to control the body and torment the skin. This path involves strenuous physical work and discipline to overcome the body and its sensory demands and distractions. The ascetic enters this path of torment by giving up normal social life and disconnecting from the world. This path focuses on the INSTINCT CENTER.


The second, the MONK'S WAY, or the way of self-seeking, is referred to as "Bhakti Yoga" in the Hindu religion. We see this path practiced with devotion to prophets and holy persons, and devotion to one's own guru in various Eastern sects. In the monk's way, feelings become something much higher. When sensuality becomes pure transcendental love, one becomes one with God in ecstatic ecstasy. Many Sufi schools also use "second-way" teachings, directing the body to be strengthened with the bond of love. A person transforms by opening his heart to love. This path focuses on the FEELING CENTER.


The third is the YOGI'S PATH or the Path of Knowledge, a way of quieting the mind. Buddhism seeks to have an understanding of the workings of the mind by going this way. One learns to follow the mind to quiet the mind so that it is completely calm and disconnected from all worldly objects. Searching for inner emptiness and a quiet relief beyond all temporary appearances includes this path. This path focuses on the THINKING CENTER.


These 3 spiritual paths, when practiced sincerely, lead to profound and profound results. But Gurdjieff says there is another 4th Way; this is a way where 3 centers work at the same time.

The meaning of the Enneagram symbol

Mandala is the basis of the Enneagram teaching. The mandala is simply a circle, and for thousands of years, the circle has symbolized God, his oneness, oneness in multiplicity, one main principle and source. Everything is derived from Him, and anyone who does not understand the oneness in multiplicity is asleep.


Another universal law is the "law of three" which is symbolized by the equilateral triangle in the circle. The Yin Yang or dualism or polarity principle mentioned in Taoism in China simply explains part of the law of three. Everything in the universe has existed with its opposite, and nothing can gain meaning without its opposite. We cannot grasp cold without hot, and evil without good. The ego in man also works by distinguishing and comparing opposites. There is a tremendous balance in the universe consisting of the unity of opposites and it governs everything. This is true for both the macro and the macrocosm, just as Hermes said.


However, the positive and negative poles cannot interact without the action of a third force. For this, the intervention of a 3rd force changes the balance and the cycle begins; until it reaches the next equilibrium point. The ultimate goal, beyond reaching the balance point, is to melt both poles together and reach unity. Patanjali, who combined the ancient and scattered rules of Yoga in a single work in the 2nd century AD, refers to these 3 forces as "Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas".

Esoteric History of the Enneagram

The idea of ​​the Enneagram was first suggested by Plotinus, a student of Ammonius Saccas, who is considered the founder of the Neo-Platonism movement. The origin of ideas is Divine Forms, which are indispensable and indivisible qualities of existence according to Plato.


Plotinus, who lived in the 3rd century, discusses them in detail in his book "Enneads". At the age of 28, Plotinus went to Alexandria, Egypt, to study philosophy and learned Egyptian Doctrine there. He taught this esoteric knowledge in Oregon, the Middle East, and Anatolia, one of the later representatives of the neo-Platonist movement.


At that time, after the Gospels were reduced to 4 in Iznik, the first churches were established in Anatolia, and some Christian mystics returned to Egypt to lead a quiet life and get away from the shadow of the Byzantine Empire. In Egypt, under the leadership of St. Anthony, Christian mystics called "Desert Fathers" continued their activities and studied the disappearance of Divine Shapes into self-consciousness.


Plato's Divine Forms appeared as the 8 Sins of the Temptation (HAMARTIA), edited by Evagrius Ponticus, the compiler of the works of the Desert Fathers.


The Church, which later increased its power, had all the books of Evagrius Ponticus burned, and 100 years later these were collected by St. Benedict and presented to the Pope. At this point, these sins were rearranged by Pope Gregory I and reduced to the 7 Deadly Sins; anger, arrogance, envy, greed, gluttony, passion, and sloth. The Enneagram, on the other hand, uses a system of nine, adding 2 more to these 7 sins.

Use of Enneagram in Spiritual Development

The Enneagram is a great tool for people to find, know and know themselves. By embodying both ancient esotericism, mysticism and modern psychology, it offers modern man a way and a methodology of salvation from suffering, with a system of simplicity and effectiveness that would make Buddha jealous. Therefore, the one who knows himself knows himself, and the one who knows himself knows his Lord, and from that moment on, the doors of a brand new inner journey stage leading to unity with oneness, compassion, faith and Divine Love are opened.

Esoteric History of the Enneagram

The idea of ​​the Enneagram was first suggested by Plotinus, a student of Ammonius Saccas, who is considered the founder of the Neo-Platonism movement. The origin of ideas is Divine Forms, which are indispensable and indivisible qualities of existence according to Plato.


Plotinus, who lived in the 3rd century, discusses them in detail in his book "Enneads". At the age of 28, Plotinus went to Alexandria, Egypt, to study philosophy and learned Egyptian Doctrine there. He taught this esoteric knowledge in Oregon, the Middle East, and Anatolia, one of the later representatives of the neo-Platonist movement.


At that time, after the Gospels were reduced to 4 in Iznik, the first churches were established in Anatolia, and some Christian mystics returned to Egypt to lead a quiet life and get away from the shadow of the Byzantine Empire. In Egypt, under the leadership of St. Anthony, Christian mystics called "Desert Fathers" continued their activities and studied the disappearance of Divine Shapes into self-consciousness.


Plato's Divine Forms appeared as the 8 Sins of the Temptation (HAMARTIA), edited by Evagrius Ponticus, the compiler of the works of the Desert Fathers.


The Church, which later increased its power, had all the books of Evagrius Ponticus burned, and 100 years later these were collected by St. Benedict and presented to the Pope. At this point, these sins were rearranged by Pope Gregory I and reduced to the 7 Deadly Sins; anger, arrogance, envy, greed, gluttony, passion, and sloth. The Enneagram, on the other hand, uses a system of nine, adding 2 more to these 7 sins.



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